readexcel is a somewhat streamlined rewrite of
small python wrapper class by Bryan Niederberger
on top of John Machin’s
xlrd package,
intending to make reading worksheets in an Excel file
even simpler and more convenient.
The readexcel class is included in and is used by the
small ExcelMailer command line
business tool for emailing personalized messages with attachments.
It reads its data and options directly out of an Excel file,
on any platform. This also means that to read the Excel file it does not
need Windows or MS Office.
The rewrite consists mostly of (a) removing attributes and methods
on the wrapper class that seemed to add little or nothing
on the equivalent that are already provided by xlrd
and (b) various other code refactoring, e.g removing the per-worksheet
cache for column names, factoring out the check for is_data_row(),
adding comment rows, and in general using method names that
seem to be clearer. The resulting code seems clearer and shorter —
even while adding a little in functionality it comes in at exactly 100 lines
(while the original being 150+ lines long).
A big thank you to Bryan and John for providing these two tools:
Bryan’s original readexcel class saved me a lot of time
and introduced me to the xlrd package; and without John’s
xlrd package ExcelMailer
would not have been possible in the first place.
The extracted source code for the readexcel class is below:
“”” Simple OS-independent class for extracting data from an Excel File.
Uses the xlrd module (version 0.5.2 or later), supporting Excel versions:
2004, 2002, XP, 2000, 97, 95, 5, 4, 3
Data is extracted via iterators that return one row at a time — either
as a dict or as a list. The dict generator assumes that the worksheet is
in tabular format with the first “data” row containing the variable names
and all subsequent rows containing values.
Extracted data is represented fairly logically. By default dates are
returned as strings in “yyyy/mm/dd” format or “yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss”, as
appropriate. However, when specifying date_as_tuple=True, dates will be
returned as a (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Min, Second) tuple, for usage with
mxDateTime or DateTime. Numbers are returned as either INT or FLOAT,
whichever is needed to support the data. Text, booleans, and error codes
are also returned as appropriate representations. Quick Example:
xls = readexcel(‘testdata.xls’)
for sname in
for row in xls.iter_dict(sname):
print row
def __init__(self, filename):
“”” Wraps an XLRD book “””
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
raise ValueError, “%s is not a valid filename” % filename = xlrd.open_workbook(filename)
self.sheet_keys = {}
def is_data_row(self, sheet, i):
values = sheet.row_values(i)
if isinstance(values[0], basestring) and values[0].startswith(‘#’):
return False # ignorable comment row
for v in values:
if bool(v):
return True #+ row full of (valid) False values?
return False
def _parse_row(self, sheet, row_index, date_as_tuple):
“”” Sanitize incoming excel data “””
# Data Type Codes:
# TEXT 1 a Unicode string
# NUMBER 2 float
# DATE 3 float
# BOOLEAN 4 int; 1 means TRUE, 0 means FALSE
values = []
for type, value in zip(
sheet.row_types(row_index), sheet.row_values(row_index)):
if type == 2:
if value == int(value):
value = int(value)
elif type == 3:
datetuple = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(value,
if date_as_tuple:
value = datetuple
# time only no date component
if datetuple[0] == 0 and datetuple[1] == 0 and \
datetuple[2] == 0:
value = “%02d:%02d:%02d” % datetuple[3:]
# date only, no time
elif datetuple[3] == 0 and datetuple[4] == 0 and \
datetuple[5] == 0:
value = “%04d/%02d/%02d” % datetuple[:3]
else: # full date
value = “%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d” % datetuple
elif type == 5:
value = xlrd.error_text_from_code[value]
return values
def iter_dict(self, sname, date_as_tuple=False):
“”” Iterator for the worksheet’s rows as dicts “””
sheet = # XLRDError
# parse first row, set dict keys & first_row_index
keys = []
first_row_index = None
for i in range(sheet.nrows):
if self.is_data_row(sheet, i):
headings = self._parse_row(sheet, i, False)
for j, var in enumerate(headings):
# replace duplicate headings with “F#”.
if not var or var in keys:
var = u’F%s’ % (j)
first_row_index = i + 1
self.sheet_keys[sname] = keys
# generate a dict per data row
if first_row_index is not None:
for i in range(first_row_index, sheet.nrows):
if self.is_data_row(sheet, i):
yield dict(map(None, keys,
self._parse_row(sheet, i, date_as_tuple)))
def iter_list(self, sname, date_as_tuple=False):
“”” Iterator for the worksheet’s rows as lists “””
sheet = # XLRDError
for i in range(sheet.nrows):
if self.is_data_row(sheet, i):
yield self._parse_row(sheet, i, date_as_tuple)
Your comments are welcome.