The intention of the evoque.decodeh module (part of the Evoque Templating
distribution) is to conveniently combine a number of ideas and techniques for
guessing a string’s encoding and return a Unicode object. The technique depends
on a codec failing to decode — but just because a codec succeeds to decode
a string using a specific encoding does not mean that that encoding is the
right one. The same bytes representing non-ascii characters are valid in
several encodings and may thus be decoded to represent wrong characters but
without giving any Unicode or RoundTripErrors. The decodeh module supports
two mechanisms to help increase the chances that the guess is the correct one
in the given situation:
The first is control over the encodings to try and in what order. The user may
specify a list of encodings to try in a most likely order, with a default
such list being provided in the ENCS module variable. More likely encodings,
such as locale defaults, are however always tried prior to the encodings in
the supplied list. In addition, a single encoding may be explicitly specified
— in which case it is always tried first.
The second is support for adding any number of encoding-specifc checks to be
performed after a first guess at an encoding, so with a minimized
performance hit, to check whether there might be a better fitting encoding
among those still to be tried in the encodings list. If there is, processing
will jump forward to this position in the encodings list, but if decoding ends
up being unsatisfactory then it will go back and use previous guess.
The execution of the sequence of checks on a guessed encoding is handled by
the extensible may_do_better mechanism. Checks are user-specifiable via a
dictionary that defines a sequence of check functions to call per encoding.
By default, the one used is the provided MDB module variable. Each check
function does a small well-defined check, and may be called anytime that
specific check is needed. All check functions have the same signature,
(s, candidenc) and must define two list attributes
scopencs and candidencs, and return either None (no likely better
candidate) or a candidate for a more appropriate encoding further along.
The heart of the decodeh module is the decode_heuristically() function
that returns the 3-tuple: (unicode object, encoding used,
whether deleting chars from input was needed to generate a Unicode object)
Two other convenient utilities, decode() and decode_from_file(), are
provided for the frequent case where all that is cared for is a unicode object.
If any data had to be lost to generate the unicode object, these two functions
will by default raise a RoundTripError, a sub-type of UnicodeError. This
default behaviour may be modified by specifying the keyword parameter
lossy=True when calling either of these two utilities.
The python source code for decodeh (sans module doc string) is below:
import sys, codecs, locale, re
if sys.version < ‘3’:
bytes = str
unicode = str
class RoundTripError(UnicodeError):
# for clarity between py2 and py3, the variable name “b” refers to a
# py2 or py3 bytestring, and “s” refers to a py2 unicode or a py3 str.
# for py3, the values returned by codecs.BOM_* is a bytes object
(getattr(codecs, ‘BOM_UTF8’, ‘\xef\xbb\xbf’), ‘utf_8’),
(getattr(codecs, ‘BOM_UTF16_LE’, ‘\xff\xfe’), ‘utf_16_le’), # utf-16
(getattr(codecs, ‘BOM_UTF16_BE’, ‘\xfe\xff’), ‘utf_16_be’),
#(getattr(codecs, ‘BOM_UTF32_LE’, ‘\xff\xfe\x00\x00’), ‘utf_32_le’), # utf-32
#(getattr(codecs, ‘BOM_UTF32_BE’, ‘\x00\x00\xfe\xff’), ‘utf_32_be’)
def get_bom_encoding(b):
“”” (b:bytes) -> either((None, None), (bom:bytes, encoding:str))
for bom, encoding in UTF_BOMS:
if b.startswith(bom):
return bom, encoding
return None, None
def is_lossy(b, enc, s=None):
“”” (b:bytes, enc:str, s:either(str, None)) -> bool
Return False if a decode/encode roundtrip of byte string s does not lose
any data. If s is not None, it is expected to be the unicode string
given by b.decode(enc).
Note that this will, incorrectly, return True for cases where the
encoding is ambiguous, e.g. is_lossy(“\x1b(BHallo”,”iso2022_jp”),
see comp.lang.python thread “unicode(s, enc).encode(enc) == s ?”.
if s is None:
s = b.decode(enc)
if s.encode(enc) == s:
return False
return True
# may_do_better post-guess checks
def may_do_better(b, encodings, guenc, mdb):
“”” Processes the mdb conf object and returns None or a best candidate
funcs = mdb.get(guenc)
if funcs is None:
return None
# candidencs not in encodings or appearing before guenc are ignored
guenc_index = encodings.index(guenc)
for func in funcs:
for candidenc in func.candidencs:
if not candidenc in encodings:
if guenc_index > encodings.index(candidenc):
cenc = func(b, candidenc)
if cenc is not None:
return cenc
def compiled_re(pattern):
“”” (raw_pattern:either(bytes, str)) -> the compiled RE for pattern
For py3, we cannot match a str pattern on a bytes object:
TypeError: can’t use a string pattern on a bytes-like object
Whether pattern is a py2/py3 bytes or unicode pattern, the resulting
compiled re always corresponds.
return re.compile(bytes(pattern.encode()))
# ASCII chars in range below never appear in text
def _ascii_non_text(b, candidenc):
if is not None:
return candidenc
_ascii_non_text.scopencs = [“ascii”]
_ascii_non_text.candidencs = [“BINARY”] = compiled_re(r”[\x00-\x06\x0b\x0e-\x1f\x7f]”)
# ISO 2022 ESC sequences are more likely to be used in ISO 2022 encodings
def _iso2022_jp_escapes(b, candidenc):
if is not None:
return candidenc
_iso2022_jp_escapes.scopencs = [“ascii”]
_iso2022_jp_escapes.candidencs = [“iso2022_jp”] = compiled_re(r”\x1b\(B|\x1b\(J|\x1b\$@|\x1b\$B”)
# the latin_1 control chars 0x80 to 0x9F (but not 0x85) are displayable in
# non-ISO extended ASCII (Mac, IBM PC) most likley candidate being cp1252
def _latin_1_control_chars(b, candidenc):
if is not None:
return candidenc
_latin_1_control_chars.scopencs = [“latin_1”]
_latin_1_control_chars.candidencs = [“cp1252″] = compiled_re(r”[\x80-\x84\x86-\x9f]”)
# Chars in range below are more likely to be used as symbols in iso8859_15
def _iso8859_15_symbols(b, candidenc):
if is not None:
return candidenc
_iso8859_15_symbols.scopencs = [“latin_1”, “cp1252”]
_iso8859_15_symbols.candidencs = [“iso8859_15″] = compiled_re(r”[\xa4\xa6\xa8\xb4\xb8\xbc-\xbe]”)
# user specifiable parameters – defaults
# The default list of encodings to try (after “ascii” and “utf_8”).
# Order matters! Encoding names use the corresponding python codec name,
# as listed at:
ENCS = [
“latin_1”, # add other iso-8859 encodings
“cp1252”, # add other Windows/Mac encodings
“big5”, “euc_jp”, “euc_kr”, “gb2312”, “gbk”, “gb18030”, “hz”,
“iso2022_jp”, “iso2022_jp_1”, “iso2022_jp_2”, “iso2022_jp_3”,
“iso2022_jp_2004”, “iso2022_jp_ext”, “iso2022_kr”,
“koi8_u”, “ptcp154”, “shift_jis” ]
# Encoding to ignore
IGNORE_ENCS = [None, “cp0”]
# Dictionary specifying the may_do_better checks per encoding. Whenever any
# of the following functions returns a non-None candidenc value, the algorithm
# will skip forward to the value’s position in the encodings list.
# For any function here to be executed, its target candidenc must be in the
# list of encodings passed to _decode_heuristically().
MDB = {
“ascii”: [
# _ascii_non_text, # likely to be binary
“latin_1”: [
# may refine with further tests to discern which ISO Latin encoding
“cp1252”: [
# may refine with further tests to discern which Windows/Mac encoding
# user callable utilities
def decode_from_file(filename, enc=None, encodings=ENCS, mdb=MDB, lossy=False):
“”” (filename:str, enc:str, encodings:list, mdb:dict, lossy:bool) -> str
Convenient wrapper on decode(str) for reading a text file.
# We open the file in binary mode, and let the algorithm do the guesswork
b = open(filename, ‘rb’).read()
return decode(b, enc=enc, encodings=encodings, mdb=mdb, lossy=lossy)
def decode(bs, enc=None, encodings=ENCS, mdb=MDB, lossy=False):
“”” (bs:either(bytes, str), enc:str, encodings:list, mdb:dict,
lossy:bool) -> str
Raises RoundTripError when lossy=False and re-encoding the string
is not equal to the input string.
s, enc, loses = decode_heuristically(bs, enc=enc, encodings=encodings, mdb=mdb)
if not lossy and loses:
raise RoundTripError(“Data loss in decode/encode round trip”)
return s
def decode_heuristically(bs, enc=None, encodings=ENCS, mdb=MDB):
“”” (bs:either(bytes, str), enc:str, encodings:list, mdb:dict) ->
(x:unicode, enc:str, lossy:bool)
Tries to determine the best encoding to use from a list of specified
encodings, and returns the 3-tuple: a unicode object, the encoding used,
and whether deleting chars from input was needed to generate a Unicode
object. The list of all encodings to be considered is prepared once and is
then passed on for actual processing (recursive).
if isinstance(bs, unicode):
# nothing to do
return bs, “utf_8”, False
# At this point, bs is therefore necessarily a byte string.
# A priori, the byte string may be in a UTF encoding and may have a BOM
# that we may use but that we must also remove.
bom, bom_enc = get_bom_encoding(bs)
if bom is not None:
bs = bs[len(bom):]
# Order is important: encodings should be in a *most likely* order.
# Thus, we always try first:
# a) any caller-provided encoding
# b) encoding from UTF BOM
# c) ascii, common case and is unambiguous if no errors
# d) utf_8
# e) system default encoding
# f) any encodings we can glean from the locale
precedencs = [enc, bom_enc, “ascii”, “utf_8”, sys.getdefaultencoding()]
try: precedencs.append(locale.getpreferredencoding())
except AttributeError: pass
try: precedencs.append(locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET))
except AttributeError: pass
try: precedencs.append(locale.getlocale()[1])
except (AttributeError, IndexError): pass
try: precedencs.append(locale.getdefaultlocale()[1])
except (AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError): pass
# Build list of encodings to process, normalizing on lowercase names
# and avoiding any None and duplicate values.
precedencs = [ e.lower() for e in precedencs if e not in IGNORE_ENCS ]
allencs = []
for e in precedencs:
if e not in allencs:
allencs += [ e for e in encodings if e not in allencs ]
# Check integrity of the mdb dict
for guenc, funcs in mdb.items():
for func in funcs:
assert guenc in func.scopencs
return _decode_heuristically(bs, allencs, mdb)
def _decode_heuristically(b, allencs, mdb):
“”” Recursive function to loop over and examine each encoding in allencs.
eliminencs = []
for enc in allencs:
# for py3, s may only be a bytes object
s = b.decode(enc)
except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
candidenc = may_do_better(b, allencs, enc, mdb)
if candidenc is not None:
# recurse to process from candidenc’s position in allencs
y, yenc, loses = _decode_heuristically(b,
allencs[allencs.index(candidenc):], mdb)
if not loses:
return y, yenc, False
return s, enc, False
# no enc worked – try again, using “ignore” parameter, return longest
if eliminencs:
allencs = [ e for e in allencs if e not in eliminencs ]
output = [(s.decode(enc, “ignore”), enc) for enc in allencs]
output = [(len(s[0]), s) for s in output]
s, enc = output[-1][1]
if not is_lossy(s, enc, s):
return s, enc, False
return s, enc, True
The decodeh module was initially inspired by a similarly named module
by Skip Montanaro. These other articles or resources have also been
inspirational and helpful:
- A Crash Course in Character Encoding
- The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer … Must Know About … Character Sets …
- A tutorial on character code issues
- ISO 8859 material
- FAQ: UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 & BOM
- Unicode HOWTO
- threads on comp.lang.python:
Your comments are welcome.