Persistent User Session

This is the current session, rendered such that a first level attribute
that is also a PersistentObject is also rendered recursively in place.
In this case, the value of the effective_user and the owner
attributes, that is a User instance, gets rendered in place.


‘access_time’ : datetime.datetime(2007, 12, 22, 8, 56, 33, 666095, tzinfo=<class ‘’>),
‘authentication_time’ : None,

‘effective_user’ : {

‘digester’ : {

‘digests’ : {



’email’ : None,
‘id’ : ”,

‘permissions’ : {

‘data’ : {



‘tokens’ : {

‘tokens’ : [





‘owner’ : {

‘digester’ : {

‘digests’ : {



’email’ : None,
‘id’ : ”,

‘permissions’ : {

‘data’ : {



‘tokens’ : {

‘tokens’ : [





‘remote_address’ : ‘’,
