8 Major Impacts of Information Technology on Businesses

Reframed Society and Lifestyle

The landscape of business depends on how consumers perceive their products and services. New technologies have resulted in significant alterations in society and lifestyle globally. As the invention of technological innovations reflects human needs and lifestyles, technological creations and communities have become inseparable, making technology an indispensable aspect of business development and design (Kolaski, 2018).

This transformation of how consumers engage with technologies results in how societies are built and developed (Allen, 2019). Companies analyze and adapt to retaliate with these settings to be more productive.

Furthermore, to keep up with competitors, companies have to implement and manage new technologies in a manner that reaches the benchmark of the particular industry, or in a way that keeps the business relevant to the markets it operates in (Michael Fitzgerald, 2013).

Business Opportunities

Companies innovate business models by developing their capability and restructuring business strategies to gain the best results from these new opportunities (Chesbrough, 2010). They commercialize new ideas through their business models.

Moreover, the development of technologies has created solutions and clarifications to many issues of economies and individuals. However, adoption comes with the risk of developing additional new problems and obstacles. The development of new technological tools intends to overcome these new issues. This immediate circle of evolution and advancement has created new business opportunities (Michael Friedewalda, 2011).

#4. Mobile Technology

Mobile technology has picked up momentum owing to its convenience, efficiency and speed. With the rise in the popularity of information technology, implementation of mobile technology has gained ground quickly.

The trend of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is on the rise owing to increased employee satisfaction. As many as 74% of the organizations are already utilizing this trend or plan on doing so in the future. In fact, the BYOD market is estimated to reach $181.39 billion by 2017.

Mobile technology takes business communication to a whole new level. A mobile team can improve the workplace productivity considerably. There are numerous ways to integrate mobile technology in the workplace. In fact, chances are, your employees are already using it.

#6. Providing Customer Satisfaction

Customer experience and satisfaction are crucial aspects of all businesses. The key to customer satisfaction is a strong customer support team and its availability to cater to the requirements of the customers.

Information technology provides the best tools for communicating with customers and solving their problems in real time. It has unlocked the facilities like Email, social media and other messaging platforms for this purpose.

Help desk software can also improve the support experience. A ticketing system can streamline the entire process and not only improve employee workflow but also provide more accurate and timely support. An automated system is the ideal solution for handling tickets as it eliminates common errors, delays, and misdirected requests by turning service requests and alerts into tickets. Even the most dedicated representatives can handle only so much. High volumes, coupled with limited resources, can result in poor experiences for your internal customers. It seems clear that help desk technology is a worthwhile investment for any organization. Additionally, you can also pick and choose which features are most relevant to monitoring performance, ticket status, as well as satisfaction. All of this allows you to modify the software to integrate seamlessly into your existing strategy.

Future impact

The future of business technology will indubitably involve service-oriented systems designed to serve a decentralized business organization. This is because many businesses will be decentralized with an aim of increasing “collaboration across the enterprise with partners and customers” (“The future of business technology”, par. 5). This will especially be the case due to the convenience brought about by ICTs.

It is now possible to work from home or from a remote location using tablets, smart phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), etc. To exemplify the paradigm shift to service-oriented organizations, Information Technology (IT) providers will have to operate according to client needs as opposed to the conventional identification of a technological idea and the subsequent fitting of problems to the idea (“The future of business technology”, par. 5).

Another technological advancement that is likely to be harnessed for more opportunities in businesses particularly those dealing with medical issues is the combination of Computed Tomography (CT) with holography to solve health problems that have been a nightmare to the human race for a long time.

The use of CT together with holography gives an opportunity to construct internal organs in computers in order to perform pre-surgical evaluations to determine how a surgery can be successfully carried out. This will be resourceful for businesses dealing with health provision. The idea of holography can also be combined with Artificial Intelligence to create virtual humans who will be useful in performing risky functions like operating machinery or even being involved in war activities (Enzer 1).

Due to the increase in networked personal devices, there is a possibility of developing sensor networks that will use Artificial Intelligence to give sensitive information. For instance, the network could allow queries to know if a person is asleep, if a person is travelling at a high speed on a highway or even to establish if it is an appropriate time to make a video call to a certain person (Enzer 1).

If the current technological efforts succeed, it will be possible for a car to listen to conversations. This feature, combined with existent networking features, will make it easy for an organization to monitor its cars and know when they are being misused (Blum 1). In addition to this, machines may be able to communicate to humans in words and in writing in the future. This will ease operations in the manufacturing industry (Blum 1).

Future technology will come with knowledge demands for business managers. Managers in the Information Technology field will have to fully understand how they can integrate the ideas of Artificial Intelligence in new systems and mainstream Artificial Intelligence in technological inventions and innovations. In the medical field, managers will have to fully understand the applications of CT and how best they can use the information produced by applications and devices.



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